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Watch PART NUM 840065
This single-speed trailer cycle helps kids learn balance while offering superior handling, tracking, and stability.
- Lightweight aluminum frame, 16.5 lbs
- Recommended for children 4 to 10 years old and up to 85 lbs
- Features Burley's patented hitch system with ball-bearing guided pivots providing excellent handling and stability
- 20 inch wheel
- Includes Burley's Moose rack to attach the trailer cycle to the bike
- Adjustable handlebar and seat post
- Includes safety flag and both wheel and rear reflectors
Item Specifications- Color: Blue
- Trailer Type: Trailer Cycle
- Weight: 16.5
- Weight Limit (lbs): 85
- Wheel Size: 20"

Burley Kazoo Trailercycle, Single-Speed, Blue your price $379.95
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Burley Kazoo Trailercycle, Single-Speed, Blue
your price $379.95
+ ships free
Watch PART NUM 840065