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your price $33.00
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Buy PART NUM 333963
- Utilizes HydroGuard antimicrobial technology to help prevent odors, discoloration, and deterioration of interior reservoir and tubing surfaces
- Low profile, oversized fill port and Air-Light Tritan cap for easy filling and cleaning with a Quick-Snap design that "locks" closed in 1/4 turn and prevents over tightening
- Ergonomic handle for easy refilling
- 70/100oz reservoirs have an internal baffle system to control packing size and increase stability while in use
- Updated Crux PureFlow tubing along with an updated on/off Quick Link valve and a no-leak BigBite drink valve allows 20% more fluid per sip

Camelbak Crux Quick Link Reservoir Kit 70oz (2L) your price $33.00
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Usually ships in 2-3 business days.
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