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Buy PART NUM 101267
- The ultimate hollow pin Singlespeed chain, superlight and superstrong
- Black inner links and white outer links, cut-out to reduce weight
- Pins tested at an impressive tensile strength of 1300Kgf
- Profiled link plates allow maximum cog wrap (as low as 9 tooth)
- Packaged in a round tin box. 325/355g
Item Specifications- model: Badger
- speed: 1sp
- size: 3/32"
- width: 6.6mm
- links: 102
- color: white/black

Gusset Badger SS-Pro Chain, 3/32" - White/black your price $39.95
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Gusset Badger SS-Pro Chain, 3/32" - White/black
your price $39.95
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Buy PART NUM 101267