Customer reviews of this product:

Kenda k rad tire
by Steven S. of St Louis, MO on December 14, 2015
Ownership: a few months
Tech Knowledge: somewhat low
I've had my tire for several months and I have been happy with it. Installed it myself with no problems even though I would rate my tech knowledge some what low. It grips on the road well and provides the good traction I desire. A nice tire.

Great Tire
by drslot of Long Beach, MS on June 5, 2015
Ownership: a month
Tech Knowledge: somewhat high
Real good tire at a real good price. I replaced my Kenda Kiniptions with these because they were getting bald and I wanted a tire with more knob. I still have the old kiniptions for emergencies, Kenda seems to be a good quality tire.
Other Thoughts
Modern Bike shipped them right out and I got a nice price.
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"Think all tires look the same? Look closely and you'll see that Kenda Tires perform to the highest standards across several different categories. For the past 50 years, Kenda has been building a better tire for life's most demanding activities. Actually, they overbuild them to ensure you succeed safely in everything you do."
See all Kenda
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