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The Monitor SL is light, breathable and a great do it all glove without the bulk.
- Silicone prints for maximum control and grip
- Touch screen compatible
- Perforated AX suede palm
- TPR Wrist Strap provides an adjustable and secure fit
Item Specifications- Thermal Rating: 0
- Insulation Type: None
- Finger Style: Full Finger
- Padding: None
- Touch Screen Compatible: Yes
"Since 1993 Lizard Skins has created products to meet the needs and wants of cyclists around the world. With a wide variety of cycling products, from its well-known chainstays to its gripping bar tape, Lizard Skins has everything you need to make the most of your ride. Our mission is to protect the bike and rider while making the ride more enjoyable."
See all Lizard Skins
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