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Buy PART NUM 809230
Portable bicycle pressure washer with three lances, custom waterproof bag, cleaning solution, Bike Protect, Drivetrain Cleaner and C3 Ceramic Lube. Water supply is required.
- Includes 3 lances; 1 for bicycles, 1 for motorcycles (higher- pressure), 1 bespoke (adjustable higher presser) for heavy grime, custom waterproof dry bag carry case
- Also includes snow foam lance for Muc-Off Nano Tech Bike Cleaner creating a thick snow foam for deep cleaning
- Weight: 15lbs
- Intended for use with cold water only

Muc-Off Pressure Washer Bike Bundle your price $319.99
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Customer review of this product:

Muc-off Pressure Washer Bike Bundle
by Alex M. of Sharpsburg, GA on February 6, 2022
Muc-Off Pressure Washer Bike Bundle
Ownership: two months
Tech Knowledge: somewhat high
Ease of use
Thorough cleaning
easy storage
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"At Muc-Off, we're really into being active. Whether it's on a mountain, trail or at the skate park, we just love to be outside and going big. We're obsessed with making the most innovative care and performance products around, so you and your toys can keep running smoothly and looking box fresh."
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