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your price $4.99
Buy PART NUM 771933
Pedro's Tire Levers are very durable and designed for quick and easy tire removal.
- Lifetime warranty
- Molded box construction and proprietary plastic blend makes these levers strong
- A chisel tip makes it easy to insert beneath the bead, and the slightly thicker shape keeps the tire lever from slipping
- Bold shape makes it easy to remove the tightest of tires without bending or breaking
- Lifetime warranty on all Pedro's tools
- Lifetime warranty on all Pedro's Tools
Item Specifications
Unit of Sale: Pair
Material: Nylon

Pedro's Tire Lever: Pair; Yellow your price $4.99
Customer reviews of this product:

Work great
by Charles H. of The Villages , FL on March 6, 2023
Pedro's Tire Lever: Pair; Yellow
Ownership: a month
Used these for my road bike tires. I was glad there was no metal to scratch the rims.

The best I've found
by Robert M. of Nonthaburi, Thailand on April 1, 2020
Pedro's Tire Lever: Pair; Yellow
Ownership: more than a year
Tech Knowledge: average
These have heft to them and don't bend at all on sticky tires. I used them over 4 years without incident.
They can break. One of my rims is troublesome and using Crazy Bob tires caused the end to break off. Mind you the tire was was crazily stuck on the rim.

A bit more friendly than Park levers
by Adam of Prairie Village, KS on November 14, 2016
Pedro's Tire Lever: Pair; Yellow
Ownership: a few weeks
Tech Knowledge: average
I had been using a set of Park levers for years up until I ran into my first experience of removing a pair of WTB tires; the Park levers simply wouldn't slip under the bead to remove the tire. The Pedro's are just enough slimmer to get it done. Inexpensive and have worked great.
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