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your price $1,399.00
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Watch PART NUM 566670
- 14 speed internal rear hub drivetrain system shifts under load
- Reliable, low maintenance internal design for reduced wear
- Highly efficient with no gear overlap and maximum ratio range
- Shift indexing originates at the hub, instead of the shifter
- Recommended to be laced 2-cross
- Includes 14sp twist shifter, 16t cog, cables/housing. 1742g
- CC: hollow Q/R axle, designed for vertical dropouts, includes chain tensioner
Item Specifications- model: CC rear
- axle/spacing (mm): 10x135 QR
- hole: 36h
- color: silver

Rohloff Speedhub 500/14 CC, Q/R 36h- Silver your price $1,399.00
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Rohloff Speedhub 500/14 CC, Q/R 36h- Silver
your price $1,399.00
+ ships free
Watch PART NUM 566670