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15% offretail $79.99 your price $67.99
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Watch PART NUM 716188
- Super wide, cold drawn, seamless Air Alloy 7050 aluminum engineered to be light, yet withstand Downhill and Freeride abuse
- Internal taper increases strength and durability without adding weight
- Can be cut down to suit rider taste or type of riding
Item Specifications- up/back sweep: 5/8 deg
- weight: 300g

Race Face Atlas Riser Bar, (35.0) 0.8"/31.5" - Black15% offretail $79.99 your price $67.99
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Customer review of this product:

Great product
by Joilson M. of Deerfield Beach , FL on August 11, 2015
Ownership: several months
Tech Knowledge: average
Looks great on my bike, low rise, it can take a beatin'!!!!!!
A bit too wide
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Race Face Atlas Riser Bar, (35.0) 0.8"/31.5" - Black
your price $67.99
+ ships free
Watch PART NUM 716188