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your price $132.95
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Buy PART NUM 741150
- Made in Cheshire, UK
- CNC machined from 6082 T6 aluminium alloy
- Split stem design for maximum weight reduction
- U-shape cradle clamp eliminates handlebar stress risers found with traditional stems

Renthal Duo Stem: 40mm 10 Degree 31.8mm 1-1/8" Black / Gold your price $132.95
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Customer reviews of this product:

Renthal Stem
by Wolfman of Stamford, CT on February 27, 2019
Ownership: a month
Tech Knowledge: high
Easy installation, 2 piece construction offers superior clamping strength to steer tube & bars.
None noticed
Other Thoughts
This stem came on my tracer 275C from the factory and I needed to replace the stem on my Bronson, so this was the logical choice for this size/reach.

Noisy stem?
by Shane A. of Daytona Beach, FL on March 15, 2015
Ownership: a month
Tech Knowledge: high
Light and looks good
creeks and can not get rid of creek noise ever with proper torqued on bolts and rental carbon bars. For all the $ I don't feel it should be noisy. Don't know if it comes from the stem or bars. They are booth Renthal.
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Stem angles are measured perpendicular to the clamp. For example, a 90 degree stem is straight. Sometimes, this may also be refered to as a 0 degree stem. If two measurements are listed, the stem can be flipped for angling up or down.
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