Round, has teeth
Round, flat, has the right number of teeth and bolt holes in the right places. Seriously, it's fine and good value for money, and looks OK.
The little chain-catcher nub is mounted for cranksets with five exposed arms. Mine is an old Ritchey with one hidden crank arm, so the nub is in the wrong place. I set the ring so that the nub is trailing the crank arm by one half slot, and then the nub will still sometimes pick up a dropped chain. But dropping a chain on the outside is pretty rare, so in reality it only looks a bit odd- if you look closely enough to notice.
The right part
They had the right part. I needed a middle chain ring for my RSX crank with the correct machine notches to fit. I have two good chain rings and wasn't ready to buy an entire new crank set. Other shops didn't mention or show their chain ring didn't have the proper machining to fit the crank.
Shipped fast.
Quality chainring does what its supposed to do.
Does the job and looks good. High quality product.
Other Thoughts
No issues with the chainring whatsoever.
Brian fitness rider
Put it on a cyclocross bike. 34/46 front gearing. Works awesome.
Buy the nut wrench, makes life easy. No problem passing the small chaining over the crank and spider. Entire change out took only 45
minutes, and 1/2 beer.
Other Thoughts
Did not have to adjust or change front derailure at all.
Good to ride...
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