Customer reviews of this product:
The best hood-mounted mirror I have yet tried.
by J., Massachusetts on February 15, 2024
Selle Italia Eyelink Panorama Shifter Mirror
Ownership: several months
Tech Knowledge: average
I have tried several mirrors for bikes with drop bars, and so far this is the best one I have encountered.
I find that mirrors that mount to the end of a drop bar (in place of a bar plug) are too low to use effectively in traffic. The hood-mounted position of the Eyelink is superior. Easy to adjust. Sturdy. Good field of view.
Pricey, but Modern Bike's price was better than many other vendors selling this same mirror. Also, I found that the velcro strap supplied was not strong enough to fasten the Eyelink to a thick modern brifter hood - I replaced it with a better velcro strap from another hood-mounted mirror.
by Douglas C. of Hillsboro, TX on March 20, 2023
Selle Italia Eyelink Panorama Shifter Mirror
Ownership: a month
Tech Knowledge: somewhat high
Once set up, this mirror shines, giving a good look behind the bike. I am glad I bought it.
Using a velcro strap to attach to the left grip of my drop bar is only so-so. I used an additional strip of velcro, because the one supplied is far too short to wrap around the grip. The Selle design could be better for the price.
However, the mirror view is excellent. I am okay with it.
Other Thoughts
Too much money to pay for a flaw in design.
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