Customer reviews of this product:
Pretty nice for the money
by Paul of Fresno, CA on July 8, 2020
Soma Supple Vitesse SL K Tire, 700 x 33 - Black/Skinwall
Ownership: one year
Tech Knowledge: somewhat high
Smooth and fast ride after the mold "nubs" wear off. Retro looks. Panaracer quality. A low rolling resistance Panaracer casing at a good price.
The nubs can be felt until they wear off. Like a subtle vibration through the bars. Very minor but there. Not that big a deal. The nubs, which are many, make the tires look cheap too. About 30mm wide on my 17mm internal width rims. Not even close to the 33mm that Soma claims. This is dishonest labeling and harkens back to a time when it was often done to make a tire seem lighter than it really was.
Other Thoughts
I do like them as a lower cost version of Compass/Rene Hearse tires but they are a small step down in comfort and apparently speed. Some might not notice the difference. This model is Soma's version of a Rene Hearse Stampede Pass Extra Light but is some $30 cheaper.
These run small
by Shane S. of San Diego, CA on February 24, 2019
Soma Supple Vitesse SL K Tire, 700 x 33 - Black/Skinwall
Ownership: a month
Tech Knowledge: high
Great price at Modern Bike.
Good looking.
Nowhere near 700x33.
These are 700x31 on a wide rim.
Other Thoughts
I think these companies are a bit dishonest when quoting the weight for a tire that isn't actually that size.
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