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$17 offretail $309.00 your price $291.92
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Buy PART NUM 579321
SRAM 2012 Red Rear Derailleurs
- New silent shifting with optimized AeroGlide Pulleys, ceramic bearings
- New spring-fixed barrel adjuster
- New chain pulley cage adds precise chain management
- Titanium pinch bolt keeps a low profile while minimizing weight
- Compatible with other SRAM 10-speed drive train components
Item Specifications
Weight: 151g
Intended Use: Road
Cassette Spacing: SRAM 10
Shifter/Derailleur Compatibility: SRAM 10
Largest Cog: 32teeth
Chain Wrap Capacity: 37teeth
Derailleur Action: Top-Normal (Traditional)

SRAM 2012+ Red 10 Speed Medium Cage WiFli Rear Derailleur$17 offretail $309.00 your price $291.92
+ ships free
Usually ships in 2-3 business days
Customer reviews of this product:

by Mark U. of Muskego, WI on September 6, 2021
Ownership: a few months
Tech Knowledge: high

New Derailleur
by Bob M. of Durham, NC on October 1, 2020
SRAM 2012+ Red 10 Speed Medium Cage WiFli Rear Derailleur
Ownership: a month
Tech Knowledge: high
Great Derailleur. Quick Shifting. Easy to install. Works flawlessly.
Somewhat expensive.
Other Thoughts
Very happy with my purchase. Easy to install-basically plug and play. Easy to adjust for optimal performance.
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"Incremental enhancements. Perpetual improvements. Revolutionary Innovation. When advancements are continuously made to every attribute of every component, the result is overall performance that is simply second to none. And to real cycling enthusiasts, there is nothing more gratifying then achieving the ultimate ride. And the best part is we just keep making it better. This is what SRAM is all about."
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