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Buy PART NUM 612317
- Internal gear 3-speed hub: for use with any IS 6-bolt disc brake
- Rotary gear selection with no protruding indicator chain or switch box
- 6061 aluminum hub shell with 13/32" slotted solid axle (215mm overall axle length)
- Gear ratio range of 177% (33% each step)
- Includes 3-spline 18 tooth cog and a twist shifter
Item Specifications
- speed: 3-speed
- axle: 13/32"x135mm nutted
- hole: 36h
- color: black
- weight: 1000g

Sturmey Archer RS-RK3 3 Speed Disc Hub, 36h, Black your price $94.99
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Sturmey Archer RS-RK3 3 Speed Disc Hub, 36h, Black
your price $94.99
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Buy PART NUM 612317