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Buy PART NUM 241768
- Converts Sun E350 Electric Trike models to 7-speed gearing for improved performance and ease of use
- Includes all necessary parts for the conversion
- Kit includes:
- SunRace M30 7-speed twist shifter
- SunRace M40 7-speed direct-mount derailleur
- SunRace M3 7-speed freewheel (13-15-18-21-24-28-34T) with 15mm trike axle adapter
- High density black foam grips, 92mm left side / 130mm right side
- 36T x 1/2" x 3/32" chainring with alloy crank arms
- K.M.C. Z51 1/2" x 3/32" chain
- Kit only compatible with Sun E350 Electric Trikes with 3-piece cranks
- 7 Speed Conversion
- Fits E350 Electric Trike

Sun Bicycles E-350 Trike 7 Speed Conversion Kit your price $99.99
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