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your price $114.95
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Buy PART NUM 428098
Thomson X4 Mountain Stems feature smooth edges for carbon bar compatibility and use bolts that are custom heat treated with corrosion preventative plating.
Item SpecificationsWeight: 169gIntended Use: Mountain

Thomson X4 Mountain 31.8 100mm 90 Degrees Black 1-1/8" Threadless Stem your price $114.95
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Customer reviews of this product:

by Shane M. of Davison, MI on September 2, 2021
Ownership: several months
Tech Knowledge: average
Great stem for the money, does what Its supposed to do I have no complaints

Thomson Steeze bring you to your knees
by DokThunda on February 27, 2015
Ownership: one year
Tech Knowledge: average
Gorgeous Thomson lines and quality made this my go to for my sb66c.
There are lighter options.
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Stem angles are measured perpendicular to the clamp. For example, a 90 degree stem is straight. Sometimes, this may also be refered to as a 0 degree stem. If two measurements are listed, the stem can be flipped for angling up or down.
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