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Topeak Trolley Tote Cargo Net

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Topeak Trolley Tote Cargo Net
Topeak TCN02
StarStarStarStarStar 5 of 5 stars average ( 4 reviews )
Cargo Net for Topeak Trolley Tote

Also works with the Topeak Basket
Topeak TCN02
StarStarStarStarStar 5 of 5 stars average ( 4 reviews )
Topeak Trolley Tote Cargo Net
Topeak Trolley Tote Cargo Net

your price $7.95

PART NUM 972301 In StockIn Stock

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Customer reviews of this product:

StarStarStarStarStar Cargo Net

by Jack A. of Calumet, MI
Product: Topeak Trolley Tote Cargo Net
Ownership: a month
Tech Knowledge: average


by Sprockets John of Burbank, CA
Product: Topeak Trolley Tote Cargo Net
Ownership: a month
Tech Knowledge: high


Almost Everything!


Limited by size, but not by much. Read on.

Other Thoughts

Years ago I built a box for the rack on my mountain bike. I use it for schlepping groceries and purchases made in other stores from store to home. Bungee cords always were either too long or too short and their diameter meant that whatever retention action they provided was focused solely on the point of contact between the payload and the bungee. Small diameter cords were typically short and were not friendly stretchers, getting very tight when pressed. Big diameter bungees are suitable for heavy loads but not light or breakable loads. The Topeak Cargo Net works like a charm at retaining stuffed boxes and packages or bags of potato chips without breakage. Great item for baskets or boxes.

StarStarStarStarStar Good addition to the basket

by KiKi M. of Long Beach, NY
Product: Topeak Trolley Tote Cargo Net
Ownership: several months
Tech Knowledge: low

Great for securing items in basket.
Makes me feel more confident that my stuff I'll stay put

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Topeak Trolley Tote Cargo Net

your price $7.95

BuyBuy PART NUM 972301