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Buy PART NUM 574630
The Urbano blends time-proven tread design concepts with a modern elegance, enhancing both performance and style. The timeless v-groove increases grip when leaned, while improving wet weather performance, and reducing rolling resistance. Designed for longevity, Urbano provides dependability for the long haul. Offered in a range of widths, there is sure to be an Urbano that is right for you.
- Designed for long life and dependability
- Interlocking groove pattern
- Modern urban style
Item Specifications- Weight: 1066
- TPI: 26
- Tire Intended Use: Touring-Hybrid
- Labeled Size: 27.5 x 1.75
- Flat Protection: Tread

Vittoria Urbano Tire - 27 x 1.75, Clincher, Wire, Black/Reflective your price $34.99
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Vittoria Urbano Tire - 27 x 1.75, Clincher, Wire, Black/Reflective
your price $34.99
Buy PART NUM 574630